How time flies. It seems like it was only yesterday that I had step my foot into kindergarden (a.k.a. pre/playschool) and *pooooff* all of a sudden, here I am doing my *hopefully* final year of my undergraduate studies. I can still remember the first day I stepped into kindergarden, the teachers, Sisters (nuns) and my kiddy classmates. I’m proud to say that I spent my first 8 years of education in a convent. Nope, that doesn’t make me a nun or a religious person, and no, I’m not a Christian *yet* either.
This school goes by the name of S.R.K (Convent). Those who have been to Cameron will surely know where this school is. It has this super huge wording “plastered” on the hill slope where the school is located.
This school is not the average convent school found throughout
….. ….. …..
I’m trying to make you guys “
A co-ed school!!! Yeap, you read it correctly. Its co-ed!
We not only have the nuns around the school, but we also have orang asli (aborigines) students studying in that school and also guys studying in it as well. How cool is that? See I told you that this Convent is unique. It ain’t no average Joe’s convent school *wink wink*
It is still a co-ed school right up to this very day! I’ve a quite a number of guy friends who either studied there during their kiddy years and/or during primary school. Well, these guys are not gay! I can bet my life on that!! Why? Because the owner of this blog (a.k.a. my potato) is one of them *ahem ahem*
**I think my potato is gonna turn me into a mash potato and hash brown after reading this post. So friends, please do not eat any mash potatoes or hashbrown when you’re in KFC, McD, etc.. cos you will be eating me LOL**
This would probably be how I look like after being bashed, mashed and turned into food.
The reason why it is a co-ed school is because of (i) the small town population; (ii) limited number of good primary schools; (iii) *my guess is that* Cameron folks are just not ready to accept a bias gender school, (but this is so untrue as I made this up :P). What I meant by good school is that, this school has some of the best, brightest, competitive, obedient, athletic and not to mention the richest and ‘politically-powerful’ (cos the parents are politicians or some ‘big shot’ in Cameron) students. And it is sad to say that yours truly doesn’t fit into any of the categories above. *nyek*
There are only 4 primary schools in this small town called Tanah Rata, which is the main town for Cameron cos there’s where the banks, hospital and government offices are located. There is a Chinese school, Tamil school and 2 kebangsaan schools – SRK Convent and SRK Tanah Rata (SRK T.R.) (I suppose they couldn’t come up with some fancy name… LOL).
Well, these two kebangsaan schools are very competitive among each other, so much so that, when I was still studying there, we were ‘brain-washed’ by our peers and seniors that everybody from SRK T.R. are our enemies. This was so bad that I couldn’t help myself but to hate everybody from that school as well. We’ll call them names or bitch about them when they win some tournaments and steal the trophy from our school. We’ll call them liars, cheaters, and the judges/referees are being biased or being blackmailed by the school. Ha ha… those good old days~.
I used to *not hate them* just don’t really fancy them as my friends until I went to secondary school, where I finally see what true friends meant. Not only did we become good friends with few of those from SKTR, there were practically the only people that would mix around with us. (‘We’ / ‘Us’ are referring to my best friend and me). Why?
I shall spare you guys the agony of reading a super long post. I shall continue it next time =)

potong stim la!
And the first time when I heard bout that was when my pastor told me that HE was from convent. We all went, "HUh?!" since its famously known as all-girls school here and unusually lots of lesbian cases in it? ahhaha. Now here with guys. And yeap, been there! (Eh I wanna go Camerons again!)
Sorry sorry MK. Cos I dunno what to write already. I'll continue with it when I've inspiration =)
Come come.. Lets go Cameron when I'm back... This time around I know how to bring u guys around better already =)
Haha.. all those sweet memories.. You forgot to write about the haunted room, the dungeon, the prison, operation room, and many many more... dun just stop there, it just bring back all the sweet memories about how we used to be.. small fights over a lost pencil or a sweet... but i wonder why.. how come the guys in our school are not GAY?
Thx for d suggestion Amy :) Would write bout the haunted room when I've time. But where was the haunted room(s) again? the one near our std 6 classroom? hrmm.. as for the gay part... i dunno. probably because nobody actually realize that convent is meant to be a girl school wen we were all still so young.LOL
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